Est. in Urbandale, Iowa – Serving Students Nationwide Through Online Tutoring

Is it really ADHD?

ADHD or Dyslexia

When my child was struggling in school, teachers and doctors only suggested that I have my son checked for ADHD. For me, this was a tough pill to swallow, because I only saw the attention problems occurring in school and nowhere else. I also saw my son struggle with reading and spelling, and I knew some […]

What Schools Won’t Tell You…

Our brains organize in the womb, and studies show our brains will organize differently based upon genetics. Studies show that the left-side of the brain is more efficient at the task of reading (first slide). Dyslexic brains organize differently. 80% of students with an IEP for reading have undiagnosed dyslexia (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2005). […]

Dyslexia Got You Down?

Aspire Academy - Boy Reading

In our society, the ability to read and spell is associated with intelligence.  But one thing I have learned through my life-long experiences with people affected by dyslexia, is that it has no relationship to intelligence.  Some of the smartest people in Western Society have (had) dyslexia including Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Charles […]