Dyslexia Screening
Screening your child for dyslexia is pivotal to their success and development.
The dyslexia screen we provide at Aspire consists of two tests designed to determine if your child is showing the major warning signs of dyslexia. These tests also reveal specific weaknesses and strengths in your child’s knowledge of the alphabet, their reading and writing skills, their ability to manipulate words, and their recall speed. The two tests we give identify those students who are at greatest risk for dyslexia, and measure if they have the key biological factors needed to be a successful reader.
The information gleaned from this screen allows you to make an informed decision about pursuing tutoring as an intervention for poor reading and writing skills, about seeking accommodations in school, and deciding if you should invest in a formal evaluation and diagnosis for your child.
A dyslexia screen is often the first step on the road to success and provides you with the information you need to help your child succeed. Contact us today to learn more about our screening process.