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15 Great Games and Chores for Pre-Schoolers

Heidi Stoffel

15 Great Games and Chores for Pre-Schoolers (and these are not apps on an i-Pad)

Learning to write is a fine-motor skill, and it is being affected by the increase in technology use by pre-school children and elementary school children.  To be a successful writer, humans begin developing fine motor skills in the hands as early as 3 months old!  The hand muscles need to be developed for pinching, holding, and manipulating objects in order to write. Being able to write letters is fundamental to children recognizing letters for reading.

Make these chores, games and toys a staple in your home!

Children learn to strengthen the muscles in their hands through play and manipulation:

  1. Brushing their own teeth
  2. Combing their own hair
  3. Dressing themselves
  4. Setting the table including putting down the silverware
  5. Playing with Play-doh and clay
  6. Coloring in coloring books with large crayons and fat markers (not the skinny ones)
  7. Drawing their own creations on paper with large crayons and fat markers
  8. Playing with Mr. Potato Head, Light Bright, Hi-Ho Cherry-O, Operation, Pick-up Sticks,  and Jenga
  9. Building with blocks, 
  10. Building with Legos, Lincoln Logs, and puzzles 
  11. Putting clothes on dolls, action figures, Barbies and Polly Pockets
  12. Making things with pipe cleaners, yarn, and stickers
  13. Using glue sticks and scissors
  14. Painting with a paintbrush and finger painting
  15. Making letters in shaving cream on a cookie sheet

All of these popular games, tools and “mess-making” toys prepare your child for learning to write and becoming an efficient writer along with reading.  Don’t know how to teach your child to hold a marker or pencil correctly…check out this video.  Your child will enjoy it, and you can watch it over and over again.

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