By Heidi Stoffel, Wilson Level I Certified Tutor
A common misconception of dyslexia is that people affected by it see things backwards. This is because, as children, they often reverse their b’s and d’s, p’s and g’s, and sometimes even mix up n and u and w and m. They may even write the word “was” as “saw.” Yes, this is a common occurrence for young students with dyslexia, but vision is not the source of the problem. Science has learned that it is due to right/left confusion, up/down confusion and not using the “sounding out part of their brain” as to identify if the “s” in the word “was” comes at the beginning or the end. For many people with dyslexia, they are not accessing a key part of their brain to remember the order of sounds in words. They often have trouble associating the sounds of language with written symbols, and quickly applying these sound-to-symbol concepts to the reading, writing and spelling of words.
For students with dyslexia, Orton-Gillingham programs teach them in structured, multi-sensory manner, how to link the sounds of language to the printed symbol, in a methodical manner until it is mastered. It is key to overcoming the challenges of reading, writing and spelling.
Check out our website, facebook page, and Facebook live video for more tips on how to help kids with letter reversals.